Ranking of League of Legends’ most hated heroes. Who is in the top 3?

Which LoL characters evoke the most negative emotions in the community?
In a title with such a huge number of players, it is natural that not every character will appeal to all fans. Some heroes are much better liked by the community, while others are not very popular or arouse negative emotions.
There are currently over 150 different champions in League of Legends, and Riot wants each of them to be unique in their own way. Designing new characters is difficult, so there are times when the newest hero’s skill set can be annoying, overly powerful, or simply not appealing to players.
The level of hatred towards characters also varies. An average LoL player, when asked which heroes are the most hated and should be removed, will usually give a few examples without any problems.
Ranking of hated champions
The League of Legends community often dislikes characters that rely on invisibility in some way. Heroes who are associated with toxic mains with level 7 mastery are also not very welcome.
The first place in the ranking, however, is neither about disappearing nor being a player similar to those from Yasuo memes. The highest place on the podium was taken by Yuumi, an inconspicuous kitten who has been irritating players around the world since 2019.
Why do people dislike Yuumi? According to some, she is just too easy to play, does not require a lot of involvement in the game, and people who play her sometimes do nothing but press the “E” on the keyboard. Of course, this doesn’t mean that every kitten fan is clueless or lazy. However, this does not change the fact that the heroine will be the most hated character in League of Legends for a long time.
Second place is taken by Akali, an assassin with a very distinctive set of skills. Virtually everyone knows this heroine and most likely found out for himself that she can be irritating.
Third place in the ranking belongs to Yone. Yasuo’s brother quickly gained enormous popularity, and thus – a large group of anti-fans. Players complain about his skill set, say he’s unbalanced, and he can really piss people off. In addition, the fans of the hero are associated with Yasuo’s mains, and they have been ridiculed by the community for years. There are separate articles on why Yone can be annoying, such as An issue that LoL players see in Yone. What’s wrong with the hero?
The next places in the ranking belong to Shaco, Teemo, and Master Yi. Yone’s brother Yasuo, who was in the 7th position, could definitely not be missing.