Master Yi is not the only “killed” character in LoL by Riot. There is someone else

League of Legends

Master has practically disappeared from the servers, but it turns out that he is not the only one.

Over the past few days, the LoL community has talked a lot about Master Yi and the “nerfs” he received. His win rate jumped to 55%, and after the hotfix, it fell to just around 40%. However, he is not the only aggrieved one when it comes to Riot’s latest ideas.

While hardly anyone paid attention to it, Gwen also lost a lot and is currently at the top of the list of characters with the worst winrate. What has Riot done with her which, in eyes of players, made her unplayable?

Gwen nerfs

Usually, the developers spend several weeks testing and analyzing the PBE introduced on the official servers. So there is a small chance that something unpredictable will happen, such as a sudden spike or drop in the win rate. This happened in patch 12.5 with Master Yi. He was supposed to receive a nerf, and finally, a buff came out of it, as a result of which Riot had to nerf him a lot in a specially prepared hotfix. As a result, the character currently wins less than 45% of matches.

That’s not all, of course, the same update weakens the so far strong Gwen. For what reason? Riot has targeted nerfs at professional gamers.

Gwen has been shredding up top and jungle in Pro play for some time now. So we’re snipping off some of her power so her weaknesses are more apparent and her strength as a flex pick is reduced. 

Taking this character’s key attack range on “E” weakened her a lot, which is clearly visible in the statistics. These dropped to below 45% in just a few days, and the heroine landed in 3rd place on the list of the worst characters at the moment. Right behind Aphelios and Master.

Commentators believe that it was not the best choice and the character is not strong in the hands of professionals because of her “E”. Its main strength is the “W” allowing for invulnerability outside the designated zone.

In addition to criticizing Riot’s choice, the redditor proposed a damage change against jungle minions, but this time the developers were targeting mostly the top lane rather than the jungle. Perhaps in the next updates it will be brought back to life, and instead of the attack range, the developers will decide to weaken the “W” or the damage.

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