
When is the next Fortnite update? It will be a long wait, because Epic has a vacation

If Epic sticks to its standard schedule there should be a new update tomorrow, but…

The last update was marked “19.01”, it was not so typical, because it only introduced items and general content related to the Winter Festival. There are also some new styles, but the normal update should be marked as “19.10”.

And everyone is set on the fact that this “19.10” update is coming this week. Unfortunately, the leakers do not have good news for players. It looks like we’ll have to wait until January for this update.

When is the next Fortnite update?

Everything won’t really be confirmed until tonight. If Epic does not release an update announcement, the next patch will not be released until January 11, which is good 3 weeks from now. This will mean a total of one month without any updates.

This would not be a major surprise, as it was exactly the same in previous years. Epic launched the Winter Festival, followed by a complete silence that boiled down to receiving new gifts every day.