
The forgotten Fortnite collaboration may finally take place. After 9 months from leaks

After a few months, leakers report that Epic has restored files regarding one of the unfinished collaborations.

There were several collaborations with Fortnite, which eventually did not come to fruition. Some were very loud, as in the case of the Simpsons, others passed without much echo. This time it could be really interesting if only the developers could get along at the right moment.

Nine months after the first leaks, everyone forgot about it. What is git all about? The cooperation between Fortnite and Fall Guys, the production of Mediatonic.

Fortnite and Fall Guys, second attempt

This is the second try to establish cooperation. So far, the leaks have resulted in all files being deleted. A few days ago they returned.

This may mean that Fall Guys will feature Fortnite skins and vice versa. However, nothing on this topic has been finally confirmed. It may also be that an Epic employee accidentally re-added these files and they do not herald anything specific.