
Special codes for a wrap in Fortnite. It won’t be cheap, but they’ve been in the store before

It is already known how one can get one of the wraps. Unfortunately, it will not be cheap.

Epic often enters into partnerships with various companies, where you can get something in Fortnite for buying an item. Sometimes it pays off more, other times less. Now clearly this is just an add-on.

The wrap in question will be added to a special chair from Secret Lab. The price of something like this is 674 euros. That’s not cheap. It is unlikely that someone will buy the chair just for the wrap.

The wrap from codes

It is possible that people will sell these codes for a wrap, but here you need to be careful. There are bound to be plenty of scammers on the web. It is worth bearing in mind here that this wrap is not new at all. It was available in the store in 2020.

The wrap itself is really nice, although it’s unclear whether it will appear in the store by chance or not. In theory, it shouldn’t, but since it’s being released again under this guise, maybe Epic doesn’t actually anticipate a return.