
Free style for Fortnite, or a brand new skin. Players know what’s in this announcement

It looks like players have decoded another hint that Epic Games added.

Epic has made a whole lot of different graphics available in the last few dozen hours. Some contain interesting hints for future additions, others seem to be just fillers.

On one of these graphics, there is probably a hint related to a new style or a completely new skin – this has not been established yet.

What is this skin or style?

Sometimes older skins get their own extra styles. They usually differ from the basic appearance mainly in terms of colors. This is exactly the case here. One of the added cards resembles a specific skin with its shapes.

At first glance, hardly anyone will know what it is, but after a moment’s thought, it actually looks like Sanctum is here.

This is consistent with the leak of Fortnite polls, in which a different version of this skin was visible, with a different color scheme.

Now only the last question, is it about a new skin or maybe a new style? Unfortunately, it is not known. You can suspect that since this is a survey, it will be a separate skin to be bought in the store. On the other hand, it is very similar to its base version.