
Free Fortnite skin only for PC players. It will be an exclusive style for the free skin

It’s easy to get confused with these free items. Now we know what it is supposed to look like.

As part of the upcoming Winterfest, you’ll get the opportunity to claim several free items, including two skins.

These will appear in a few days, to be picked up in a special house, directly in the Fortnite menu. More experienced players will surely know this motive.

There will also be a third skin, possibly a style

Currently, the leakers provide different information. According to some people, it will be a free style, others write about a separate skin. You can see, however, that this is a different style of skin visible at the top right.

Blizzabelle will be for PC. When? In a few days, with the start of the Winterfest.

It will be possible to collect via the Epic Store, it is supposed to be a free style, so do not expect any challenges or additional activities.