
Epic showed Tilted Towers in Chapter 3 Season 1. The appearance of the map without snow has just been added

One of the people, signing up as an environment artist at Epic Games, added to Artstation the concept of how the map without snow will look like in the 1st season of chapter 3.

Artists working for Epic sometimes put on their profiles various concepts or works that they have had the opportunity to participate in. In most cases, there is nothing interesting there, but this time it is a bit different.

Leo Huang on Artstation published the map for the 19th season completely without snow. It’s not an amazing breakthrough, but the appearance of the Tilted Towers seems to confirm it.

If the leaks so far were not enough

In total, the artist added a dozen different shots of the island without snow.

The players were especially interested in one of the graphics. Theoretically nothing groundbreaking, just a map without snow.

It gets more interesting when we take a closer look. A close-up shows that a tower has appeared in the background, resembling that of the Tilted Towers.

It has been known for some time that the Tilted Towers will return. Leakers have talked about it as part of the upcoming challenges, and the tower itself was also visible in the loading screens.

So we just have to wait for the snow to melt and reveal new, or perhaps old, locations.