
Donald Mustard’s entry announces the return of an iconic character to Fortnite? Players take note of the color

Epic very rarely does something without thinking it through, especially when it comes to publishing its announcements or Donald Mustard’s posts.

There has been quite a buzz in the Fortnite community recently about the possible return of one of the iconic characters. This is nothing new, as it has been discussed for quite some time. Now, however, the community has something to allude to.

This refers to the golden color appearing in various places. At this point, it is only a theory, which should not be considered confirmed. It might as well be one of those cases where Epic did not plan it.

The return of Midas?

At one time Donald Mustard argued that Midas is not dead and is doing well. According to players, the character may soon return. This is evidenced by the gold accents that appeared on the previews and are now visible on Mustard’s post.

The community spotted this color on the left.

It is unclear how and under what circumstances, but Midas, according to the players, may return. On the other hand, it’s hard to say whether this theory actually makes sense, or whether it’s an over-interpretation of the graphics from Epic.