
Description of the Fortnite update, hotfixes for 18.40. Map changes, voting, Strike from the shadows

Today, a new patch update has arrived to Fortnite. You don’t need to download anything.

Nothing has changed, the update marked 1840 is indeed the last in Season 8. Now, however, there is a smaller patch, typically a fix. Along with it, a few changes, including on the map.

We already have the last stage of construction before the event:

What else has changed?

There is a new vote in the game.

The war effort’s again taking a look back at the classics — putting forth two unconventional weapons for Loopers’ consideration. With the Proximity Grenade Launcher, launch grenades that go off by just being near someone. Or with the Flint-Knock Pistol, go flying back for extra evasiveness (and mobility) when you shoot it.

Help the war effort decide which one to bring into the fight against the Cubes. The first to reach 100% Funded from Donation Stations will be swiftly manufactured for the Island. Contribute Bars at Donation Stations for your favorite choice!

Epic also organized “Strike From the Shadows”.

The best ninjas know the importance of stealth. It’s one thing to throw a Paper Bomb Kunai at an opponent, but it’s another to approach in shadow form first. True, you can’t use weapons in shadow form — and the Kunai is no exception — but why blow your cover before you’re within striking distance?

In Strike from the Shadows Week, running from 9 AM ET on November 23 to 9 AM ET on November 30, Paper Bomb Kunai and Shadow Stones are all over the place! You can catch Shadow Floppers in greater numbers too… and even find them on land. Turn into a shadow with the Stones and Floppers, then strike with the Kunai. Also complete themed Quests in the Strike from the Shadows Punchcard!

That’s it, it’s a typical patch update, not containing too many new features and changes.