
“Me during the day vs me at 3 a.m.”. Players of The Sims 4 laugh at several hours of watching the launch screen

Official profiles of The Sims 4 sometimes insert rather funny posts – often unintentionally.

The official profiles of The Sims 4 on social media such as Facebook and Twitter have this in common, very often they insert completely meaningless posts, which according to Simmers are “clogs.” According to many people, employees insert meme-like posts in order to divert attention from the game’s ongoing problems.

It’s not entirely clear how this is the case, but players of The Sims have rather grown accustomed to it. However, it doesn’t change the fact that they still very much like to complain about the game in the comments under the posts in question or ask the developers to fix some bug or add some feature to the game. This is already a kind of norm under the posts of official profiles of The Sims.

The developers unintentionally created another meme

A recent post on the official Twitter account of The Sims is another such “clogger”, which was supposed to be a meme, but something went wrong and something completely different came out in the end. True, the meme still remained a meme, but Simmers, in the comments, completely changed its meaning.

On the official profile of The Sims we can see such a post:

The original point was that Simmers love to devote their entire days, from the beginning of the day to entire nights, to the game. Well, and it all adds up, as many players approach the game in just this way. It is also said that fans of the title return to the game for a week, only to geek out on it for days and then forget about it again for another 3 months – and so on and so forth.

A meme like a meme, rather, everyone understands it, many people can identify with it and in most cases it is true. However, Simers in the comments have somewhat misrepresented its meaning.

The end result was that the girl in the meme simply spent all day and half the night staring at the start screen and apparently didn’t get around to loading the game. Simmers laugh that this is very true because loading screens in The Sims 4 sometimes take a really long time to load.

Well, it all depends, of course, on what kind of computer someone has, how many add-ons they have installed and how many additional mods they have downloaded – all of these things put a strain on the game, and thus the game can run slower.