Islands that must be visited in Lost Ark to increase the level of items

Must-visit islands with huge rewards in Lost Ark.
After reaching level 50 in Lost Ark and completing the available storyline, the path of development of the player’s equipment is directed mainly towards the continuous upgrade of items. This means that one has to acquire a huge amount of crystals needed for honing.
Although it may seem complicated and time-consuming, in fact, the developers have added many islands where we can easily find items necessary to level up our equipment.
Islands in Lost Ark
The world of Lost Ark is spread over many continents. It is on them that the plot takes place and the Arks are located. However, apart from them, there are a lot of small and at first glance pointless islands on the map. It turns out, however, that they often include not very complicated missions, rewarding the player with a huge amount of materials needed to upgrade items.
- ALSO – 5 very important parts of Lost Ark that will make your character stronger, but are often ignored
The map with the islands marked was prepared by a Reddit user with the nickname koticgood. Here’s what it looks like (you can zoom in when clicking on an image):
In addition to the island map, a huge list has also been created describing the mission and rewards that can be obtained, and there are really a lot of them. Its author is the streamer meloarkwind.