
How fast will you be able to collect Mythic Essence coming to LoL? How much will Pyke’s new skin cost?

All about the upcoming Mythic Essence. Where will players gain and where will they lose compared to the old system?

The Lunar Revel 2022 Pass was the last to have Prestige Points known to players. The currency will soon be replaced by another one – Mythic Essence, which can be used to unlock both older and upcoming skins (The Mythic Essence Store from LoL has appeared on the PBE. What can you buy in it? What skins will come back?).

The change, as you might have guessed, aroused a lot of controversy and concerns for players who wondered whether the transition to the new currency would be profitable for them. What is known about the Mythical Essence at the moment?

How will Mythic Essence be obtained?

You could find out about the upcoming skin for Pyke at the beginning of January. In the video in which Riot talked about the changes coming to League of Legends, players were informed that the Mythic content will change its theme every year, and in 2022 the skin series will be called Ashen Knight. Pyke’s concept was the only one that appeared in the video.

As the last pass to earn Prestige Points known to players so far has ended, Riot is sharing more and more information with players about the pass, the content of which will be closely related to the upcoming Mythic Essence.

Pyke’s skin can now be seen on the test servers (Presentation of seven new skins that will appear in LoL. Including the Prestige edition). KenAdamsNSA, responsible, among other things, for skins that go to League of Legends, showed the chroma and confirmed the skin’s release date.

Ashen Knight Pyke will be 100 ME when he releases in patch 12.06

We’ve also adjusted our chroma releases for Ashen Knights. This may change in future seasons, but we’re only doing 1 special chroma per AK skin, rather than a bundle for each.

Behold: the Emberwoken Chroma!

Chroma will cost 40 ME, which some players did not like. One of the commenters thought that it is too much compared to the current 300 tokens for the entire set.

Dlaczego zrezygnowano z 300 żetonów (30 ME) za chromę powiązaną z wydarzeniem i obramowanie na rzecz 40 ME?

Rioter poinformował, że zarówno ramka, jak i ikonka będą odblokowywane wraz z barwą. Emotka i skórka totemu wizji są natomiast dostępne poza zestawem.

Kolejnym tematem jest inny unikatowy przedmiot, który pozwalał odblokowywać rzadką zawartość – Gemstone. Te również znikną z League i zostaną zastąpione nową walutą. Gracze otrzymają 10 Mitycznej Esencji za każdego posiadanego Gemstone’a.

Oznacza to, że waluta, która używana była do odblokowywania Hextechowej zawartości będzie mogła zostać wykorzystana do kupienia zawartości sklepu Mitycznej Esencji, jak na przykład starsze prestiżowe skiny, czy nadchodząca skórka Pyke’a – Ashen Knight. W teorii gracze wychodzą tutaj na plus, jednak jeden z fanów zauważył pewien problem.

Why does the skin chest that can be obtained for 1 Gemstone/10 ME change from a Master Chest (skin shard for 975 RP or more, with a chance to get a bonus chest) to a skin shard worth 520 RP or more?

Unfortunately, this question has not been answered, and whether Riot notices the problem will not be revealed until the new content is released to the live servers.

Another important issue is the amount of Mythic Essence you get from passes. So far, players could earn 25 Prestige Points for milestones and 2 Gemstones, and in the store, it was possible to buy 100 PP for 2200 tokens. The first option will now correspond to 25 ME, which some players did not like (The new pass system from League of Legends weakens them once again. What did the players notice?).

Rioter says, however, that the Gemstones will be replaced with something of similar value.

25 ME from milestones, and the 2 Gemstones will be replaced by something else that is relatively equal value. It hasn’t been finalized yet, but we’ll let you know what we decide on there.

Also, we will be buffeing the 100 Prestige Points for 2200 token option in the trensition. For 2200 tokens, you’ll get 125 ME in the new world.

So, a lot of changes are coming to League of Legends, which still raise a lot of controversies. Riot is trying to keep players informed of all planned changes to the upcoming system, which is already very close to the live servers. However, players would like not to lose in the context of the previous prizes that seemed more attractive. It is difficult to say whether the fans will see any improvements to the elements they mention.