Despite negative comments about the Elise VFX update in LoL, it appeared on live servers

What didn’t gamers like about Elise VFX update?
Since the release of some of Ezreal’s first VFX updates in patch 8.20 and soon after Morgana’s in 9.5, players have fallen in love with these types of fixes for visually older characters. The champions had grown significantly in popularity, and Riot was pleased with the results they achieved.
It might seem that projects of this type will start appearing more often, but due to the fact that the studio has other important matters on its mind, and such VFX updates are often conducted by individual people, they have not become Riot’s main priority. Nevertheless, from time to time you could watch more or less successful updates issued by designers.
You could read about the changes of Elise some time ago (League of Legends’ Elise will get the VFX update. What does the refreshed heroine look like?). Despite the fact that Riot places a lot of emphasis on communication with the community in such updates, the voices of fans were not heard, and the changes expected by players were not implemented.
What’s wrong with Elise’s update?
Elise joined League of Legends in 2012. For almost 10 years after the heroine’s premiere, the Riot’s graphic style has significantly evolved, which can be seen, for example, when looking at Wild Rift – a mobile adaptation of LoL, which at first glance gives the impression of being a much more modern production.
Elise, whose skills had looked quite realistic so far, lost their realism due to the update. This, in turn, did not appeal to a large number of those commenting on the visual rework. Numerous commentators write that in their opinion the new visual effects are much worse than the older ones.
Really don’t underestand why they went with “spooky mist” aesthetic all around and completely destroyed spiders. Like cocoon definitely is nothing like a spider cocoon anymore.
Not saying whether it’s better or worse… but it looks like they are leaning much more into the fact she’s a shadow isles spider, not just a generic spider. Her Web isn’t just web, it’s shadow islands mist magic.
Fans pointed out that Riot went in the direction of recreating Elise currently known from Legends of Runeterra – a card game from Riot, in which the heroine in question is much closer to the Shadow Isles than anyone would have previously assumed after looking at the character on Summoner’s Rift.
Even though the designers are trying to standardize the visual style, a good number of players have found this to be a good direction for Elise.
This is the first visual update that I think is not as expected. W in human form is a lot less glamorous, and while I understand they wanted to tie Elise more to the Shadow Isles by making her web green, it clashes with the rest of her colors. Not to mention how cool the Victorious Elise gold chain looked like. Now they are just plain blue snares. To be honest, I’m really disappointed.
Although the update has already hit live servers, the creators may respond to the next wave of criticism towards changes and release patches that would satisfy at least a slightly disappointed part of the community. At this point, however, nothing is known about it.