This leak may be showing skins for the next Fortnite Battle Pass – Season 3, Chapter 3

It is confirmed once again that Epic is actively using its surveys. Therefore, leakers have started to look more closely at skins that may be introduced this or next season.
One of the primary sources of information about upcoming skins is the polls Epic sends out to its trusted partners. Each time they are later published on the web, it does not affect the plans for their release too much.
It actually helps a bit, because the players themselves show which ideas they would like to see in the game. As one of the leakers writes, sharing skins from the survey:
Skins that may still appear
These concepts have already been shown. Skins that have already appeared in Fortnite were just cut out. It’s hard to make sense of it because the list is quite extensive, but it looks something like this:
It is possible that you can see skins for the next season or the pass. This, however, is not confirmed and should not be seen this way. It’s something that can be released but doesn’t have to be.