
How did Fortnite players name the cubes present in the game? They all have similar names except for one

It all started with Kevin, and what are the other cubes called?

It is known that the cube in Fortnite was officially named Kevin. Initially, this name was used by the players themselves, then Epic accepted it and it was this name that appeared in official info about the game.

What names are given to the other cubes that are currently in play? These are mostly different versions of Kevin, with one very large exception. The exception is, of course, the golden cube, which takes its name from the game files.

What are the cubes called?

The naming was so well received that it has even been applied to third parties who track cubes’ movements. At this point, they are:

  • Blue cube – Blevin,
  • Pevin,
  • Bevin,
  • Mevin,
  • Devin,
  • Wevin.

What about the golden one? There is no player creativity here anymore, as this cube was named after the game files. Its code name is “Queen”.

Will it catch on? It already did, the only question is whether it makes sense to distinguish all these cubes. It seems that the most important will be Kevin, the queen, and maybe the blue Blevin. The rest is and will probably remain only the background.