
There are still 38 LoL heroes that need updating. According to players, Ahri was not the most important

The community is complaining that Riot is releasing too few visual updates.

There are currently more than 160 heroes in League of Legends. The game has been around since 2009, so it’s not surprising that some of its elements have aged badly. True, the developers occasionally refresh some characters, but according to players, this happens far too slowly.

The topic of ASU champions recurs regularly, and quite a few people believe that Riot should release at least a few such updates per year.

Which LoL hero should get the ASU?

Ahri’s visual update has been completed. A summary of the new splash art, skill icons, music theme, and in-game model appearance can be seen here: Riot on Ahri’s ASU in League of Legends. A summary of the new graphics and models in the game

According to some, Ahri’s ASU wasn’t all that necessary, because according to fans, quite a few other heroes have much older models and graphics that just look bad.

One Reddit user wrote:

Now that Ahri’s ASU has been released onto the PBE.I would like you to know there are 38 champions older then her who haven’t been updated yet.

  1. Jax – 2/21/2009
  2. Teemo – 2/21/2009
  3. Zilean – 4/18/2009
  4. Amumu – 6/26/2009
  5. Cho’Gath – 6/26/2009
  6. Anivia – 7/10/2009
  7. Rammus – 7/10/2009
  8. Veigar – 7/24/2009
  9. Malphite – 9/2/2009
  10. Blitzcrank – 9/2/2009
  11. Corki – 9/19/2009
  12. Shaco – 10/10/2009
  13. Gragas – 2/2/2010
  14. Kennen – 4/8/2010
  15. Malzahar – 6/1/2010
  16. Olaf – 6/9/2010
  17. Kog’Maw – 6/24/2010 (VGU poll candidate)
  18. Xin Zhao – 7/13/2010
  19. Vladimir – 7/27/2010
  20. Lux – 10/19/2010
  21. LeBlanc – 11/2/2010
  22. Jarvan IV – 3/1/2011
  23. Nocturne – 3/15/2011 (VGU poll candidate)
  24. Lee Sin – 4/1/2011
  25. Brand – 4/12/2011
  26. Rumble – 4/26/2011
  27. Vayne – 5/10/2011
  28. Orianna – 6/1/2011
  29. Leona – 7/13/2011
  30. Tryndamere – 7/25/2011 (VGU poll candidate)
  31. Janna – 7/25/2011
  32. Wukong – 7/26/2011
  33. Talon – 8/24/2011
  34. Riven – 9/14/2011
  35. Xerath – 10/5/2011
  36. Graves – 10/19/2011
  37. Shyvana – 11/1/2011 (was repeatedly on the VGU Poll)
  38. Fizz – 11/15/2011

It seems like the Udyr VGU took them way longer then expected. Pushing back Skarners VGU to 2023.

If we keep going at this pace. With one ASU and VGU per year we would be stuck with those outdated champions. Riot can update them quicker see 2017 for example.

While Riot said that VGUs and ASUs are more costly then pumping out more skins. Updating the game will lead to more sustainable long term profit in the long run.

How much sales do you think Akali and Evelynn made because of their VGUs? A whole lot more then if they where left to fester with their outdated visuals and gameplay.

Caitlyn’s Snow Moon Skin was probably a whole lot easier for the team to make on her new rig then her eight year old former rig.

Even less popular champions like Nunu, Warwick, and Mordekaiser have a higher pick rate and better skin sales the they would ever have before.

The player stressed that all these examples show that hero updates pay off in the long run and always bring some profit. On top of that, refreshing outdated game elements simply keeps the title fresh and shows the community that the developers are not indifferent to the needs of fans.