
Huge drama with Fnatic, Rekkles and Upset during Worlds 2021 at LoL. The player officially speaks

Massive League of Legends esports drama, what’s the speculation and the official version?

Esports in League of Legends is something really huge, and numerous organizations invest millions in their players as well as their proper development. Such a large environment, of course, is not free from dramas, which, although not often, still happen.

This time, after the information that one of the best shooters will not play at the World Cup in the colors of Fnatic, the League of Legends players have been in a frenzy. Both the team authorities and the player remained silent, so there were a lot of rumors. Now Upset has officially spoken on Twitter.

Drama in Fnatic

For several days, LoL players have been moved by the decision made by Upset – one of the best ADCs in the world. He decided not to play at the World Cup due to family problems. This, however, was not enough for the community that started speculating and creating rumors. One was that Upset’s wife had cheated on him, and he had to go home. This has not been confirmed and is still considered by those who comment on the situation a disgusting rumor.

Especially that the couple got married relatively recently, and his wife also streams on Twitch and often shows love to her husband on social media.

The second version, however, makes a bit more sense, especially since it involves both other pros – Bwipo and Tyler1. Remember, however, that these are still only guesses. Probably everyone has already heard that Rekkles is leaving G2 Esports, but it is not known yet where he will go. The community speculates that he may return to Fnatic, and that would mean Upset will lose his position as the primary shooter. Martin Larrson himself left the “orange” several times, then returned.

Such news would be shocking to someone as committed as Elias “Upset” Lipp, who is eager to win Worlds and become World Champion. Interestingly, streamer Tyler1 spoke about Fnatic, who said that the situation inside the team is so difficult that it is hard to imagine and he knows something that the fans do not know.


In addition, Bwipo, a jungler from Fnatic, unfollowed people associated with the Fnatic management on Twitter. His girlfriend did the same. Speculators have suggested it was because of re-assigning Rekkles. It’s worth knowing that his contract ends before the 2022 preseason and he will likely leave the team.

Official version

After a few days, Upset himself decided to dispel doubts and commented on the reason for his absence on Twitter, maintaining the version that it was due to a family situation.

As we can see, this was also commented on by Paula, the wife of Elias. Perhaps the entry was due to the fact that she was getting a lot of messages that she allegedly cheated on her husband. We do not know this, however, and these are once again speculations by the interested parties.

When it comes to Fnatic matters, playing with the idea that you will be fired in a month is difficult and may affect the player’s dispositions, there is a small chance that this is the reason for leaving the Championship. Upset wants to win the most important tournament in League of Legends, and such behavior could destroy his career and the chance to find another, perhaps even better team.

Consequently, it is likely that Upset is struggling with family problems and this has nothing to do with Fnatic. The fans can only wish the player good luck and not believe in and not create any rumors that may be harmful, as emphasized by Upset.