
How do you open the puzzle door in Hogwarts Legacy? It’s simpler than it looks

Are you trying to open that door in Hogwarts Legacy, but you just can’t figure it out? We rush with the answer.

Today was the official launch of Hogwarts Legacy. The game is now available on all announced platforms for every player, regardless of the version purchased. Many people have already gotten into it a lot.

At some point in the game, while exploring the castle, you will come across many puzzles that can sometimes take a long while to solve. Some puzzles may seem difficult at first, but their solution is often trivial.

Riddle doors at Hogwarts

One of those seemingly complicated puzzles is the one with the mysterious door, which is encountered in many places in the castle. Players puzzle over what the symbols and numbers that appear there mean, and the solution is really simple.

Each creature around the door is sequentially assigned a number from 0 to 9.

The symbols appearing on the door are actually simple mathematical equations. The number in the middle of each triangle is the sum we need to get after adding all the components. Once we know what numbers the creature represents, we only need to perform a simple calculation to discover what numbers are behind the question mark symbols.

The setting of the cubes

The next part is, of course, trivial. For our missing ingredients, we match the creature according to the previous pattern and set the likenesses on the cubes with the appropriate symbol – “?” for the first action and “??” for the second.

That’s the whole riddle. More problems can be caused by the location of the “cubes” themselves because they do not have to be right next to the door. Sometimes you will find one on the opposite wall, and sometimes even on another floor. It is enough to look for a while or help yourself with the “Revelio” spell. And what do we find inside the chamber? Mostly an item of clothing and equipment for the wishing room.