
“Chapter 2 Finale” is the name of the new Fortnite event. Confirms that chapter 3 will appear

There is an incredibly important leak on the web that seems to confirm the theories about chapter 3.

Until now, we could only talk about very anecdotal leaks and theories that indicated that after Chapter 2 Season 8, Season 9 would not be released, and Chapter 3 would begin immediately. Now, however, a new screen has appeared in the files that seem to confirm this.

Of course, we’re still talking about a leak here, but it’s hard to understand “Chapter 2 Finale” as anything other than saying goodbye.

Chapter 3 in December?

This is reported by major leakers, so there is no doubt that this loading screen is real. It shows several figures heading towards the pyramid. The most important, however, is the text shown on the right.

“The Chapter 2 Finale” is said to be the name of the last event this season. Therefore it is practically certain that there won’t be a 9th season and there will be a 3rd chapter instead. It would be a nice twist that would prove once and for all that some, even the most nonsensical, theories can work. Especially with Fortnite and the unpredictable Epic.

Moreover, Epic has also updated the playlist “The End”. So it’s possible that Fortnite will stop working again.