
“Finally, the game is playable.” Valve added an unannounced update to CSGO

CSGO developers added an update to the game that has not been documented. What did it change?

Occasionally, the developers of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive add an update to the game that is minor and they don’t even decide to announce it. This was the case in recent days, as it turned out that Valve made a small change to their FPS that eventually got noticed by players enough to thank Gabe Newell and the company.

What Valve has changed?

It turns out that the developers have finally decided to change the skybox to warm up on Nuke. This one was previously light blue, which quite a lot of CSGO players disliked as it slightly worsened visibility on the map. Below you can see what it looked like before the update:

And this is how the skybox looks like after the update:

Now it looks much better. This change is rather small, but it has nevertheless gained recognition among the community, which even decided to thank the developers:

These types of changes, although small, warm up the image of developers. It seems that they listened to their community and decided to make a change that was worth adding.