Huge render distance in Minecraft, which exceptionally won’t burn your computers. How is it possible?


Great screenshots of the landscape without a powerful computer. This mod makes it possible.

Minecraft is a seemingly simple graphical game in which the presented infinite world is made of cubic blocks. It might seem that this type of production will not consume a lot of computer resources, but the truth is quite the opposite.

The production of Mojang has received numerous modifications over the years, and without a doubt one of the most popular of them is Optifine – a mod that allows you to increase the number of frames per second while improving some visual aspects of the game. However, this is not the only modification that can be found on the internet, and Optifine does not achieve what others do.

Impressive rendering reach

By default, Minecraft can see a maximum of 32 chunks that are within range of the player. Optifine increases this number to 64, but it is still not as impressive as the one that can be achieved with a modification called Distant Horizons. The mod allows you to see up to 512 chunks.

All this is possible thanks to the use of a simple trick that most game developers currently use. In a game where the player has a large world at his disposal, further objects are rendered in a lower quality to save computer resources and at the same time display the most satisfactory image. The differences are hard to see at first glance, and once you see them, they’re subtle.

What result can be achieved with this mod in Minecraft?

It must be admitted that the screenshots posted by the author of the modification are quite impressive. For some, it will certainly be a great advantage that it works with other mods that affect the generated terrain. This means that the screenshots can look really amazing when something is added to Distant Horizons that make huge structures naturally appear in the world, such as the volcano showed below.

Distant Horizons mod can be found on the popular site To install it, you will need to have Forge or Fabric.

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