
Trailer for new Pyke skin hidden in announcement of new League of Legends pass

The new skin for Pyke is officially confirmed. Its announcement was made in one of the videos from Riot.

For some time now there have been talks about leaks of a new series from League of Legends – Neon Inferno. It was already reported about 2 months ago that skins with this theme would go to Jhin (Prestige) and Pyke (legendary).

For a long time, nothing changed on this topic, until a leaked graphic with textures for one of the heroes (see:Leaked textures for League of Legends’ new Pyke legendary. What do they look like?).

Not long after that, players noticed that in one of Riot’s official videos announcing a new event for the Spirit Blossom series and World Championship 2022, something appears that confirms that the skin for Pyke will indeed appear. What is it about?

Neon Inferno Pyke skin teaser

Riot has released a trailer for its latest event, which combines the return of the well-known and well-liked Spirit Blossom series with this year’s World Championship and Halloween skins – Bewitching.

The video showcases individual skins and heroes and mentions a pass from which you can get various cosmetic items, such as hero icons and the latest Azir, which was released to celebrate Worlds 2022.


Probably some people are wondering how all this relates to the new skin for Pyke, which is not related to any of the series.

It’s worth watching the above video to the end because, in the last scene, in which Azir can be seen, the familiar marker of Pyke’s ult appears under the hero’s feet. Skill is in bright colors, which alludes to the leak about the Neon Inferno series.

Thus, Riot confirmed that the latest skin for the said character will indeed appear. For now, it is not known if it will be called as stated in the leak, but it will definitely have a neon theme.