These are supposed to be the most controversial player opinions about LoL, what do they like and what not?

Players voiced their controversial views on League of Legends.
The League of Legends community often agrees with each other. They showed it more than once by boycotting new developers’ ideas. The new Mythic content is a prime example of this. It included skins for $ 140, and these were abandoned after the protests of players.
Of course, like in any community, there are a lot of people with different opinions, which is not bad at all. Now, in the Reddit topic, players have been asked to express the most controversial ones that the rest of the player base will surely disagree with.
Controversial statements by players
Rather, it should come as no surprise that everyone has their own opinion on a given topic and does not necessarily agree with the majority. This time, several League of Legends players on Reddit decided to express them to the entire community. In the topic devoted to “controversial opinions” they expressed some of their own.
- ALSO – The only day at LoL when it was worth playing normals is over. The ranked players didn’t see it
The author himself mentioned MMR. He noted that no one cares about rank except the account owner himself and that many people lose their precious lives getting virtual points.
This example turned out to be a weak “controversial opinion”, as most people agreed that they did and that the best method was to play for fun.
As for the more controversial ones, Excalidorito stated that not every hero has to be popular. There are a lot of different characters in LoL and it is normal that some of them will not be very popular among players and such units do not need a rework at all.
Here, those who commented on this entry thought that although it is partially true, it is worth adding that also champions that virtually no one plays should not be overlooked when it comes to new content, such as skins.
The league is fun to watch, but not to be played solo.
This state of affairs can certainly be confirmed by many viewers of popular League of Legends streamers. Many of them have not played LoL for a very long time, but they like to watch others struggle.
ADCs should be eliminated in one moment… no one expected such an opinion, but that’s what this topic is all about. The author adds, however, that the problem is that it happens with other characters.
The last opinion from the player is, of course, toxicity. They noted that the League is not as toxic as it is described and that there are many other productions with equally or not worse communities.
Perhaps this is due to stereotypes and the common opinion that it is LoL that has a community waiting only to insult someone. Now, even if Riot had reduced this behavior by 50%, players would still have the same opinion about the community.