This is April Fool’s Day in LoL. Riot decided to “prank” players by changing the minions

League of Legends

LoL minions changes for today’s celebration of jokes.

Probably everyone knows that today is April Fool’s day. On this occasion, made the minions more interesting. Little minions going to provide gold and experience to the opponent, express their opinion about it today. While they don’t text players in chat, they show emotes.

Minions with emotes

As every year, Riot Games pranks players a little. While they aren’t as spectacular as giving minions Draven’s head, some of them can still surprise you. This time it is about little minions heading towards the opponent’s Nexus to give him gold as if they were Nunu with ghost and cleanse.

Although everyone has gotten used to players “dancing with a snowball”, the sight of minions expressing their emotions may come as a surprise. For example, after getting an ACE, the Helmet Bro emote appears above their heads.

According to players’ reports, this works in both regular and ranked games, and this mechanic will probably be removed at the end of April Fool’s Day.

What do the players say about that? Everyone knows that developers indulge in such jokes on April 1st, some suggest that it would be nice for the prank to finally fix the game client.

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