5 champions to pick in One for All mode in LoL. It won’t be boring with these characters

A list of 5 interesting heroes for the One for All mode.
Today is April 1, which means the long-awaited One for All mode has appeared in League of Legends. It is as popular as All Random Ultra Rapid Fire.
However, there are characters that are definitely not doing well and after a while of playing, you will notice that they are not suitable for the mode. There are also those that ensure continuous fun and allow you to win most of the games.
Probably every player who plays him knows how funny and fun this hero is to play. What if you multiply it by 5? In this case, the opposing team will be scared in the lobby itself and will probably not enter any unwarded bush. The hero himself does not have the worst push and can be built not only for the tank, but also for AP, and some may try to get a bit of AD on him.
Another toplaner on the list. Like Malphite, he is extremely dangerous and versatile. It can tank and hit powerful critical damage. Additionally, his passive works with other Dariuses, so using his full ultimate will be surprisingly easy. Ghost, Flash, and no enemy will stand a chance against the Noxus warriors.
Another interesting hero to play in the group of five. Like the others, he is great both as a tank and he deals massive damage. He is able to stun enemies and cut them into pieces with his “E”. It works perfectly with the mythic item Galaforce, thanks to its passive providing a jump, and this is what the champion always lacked.
This time a mage is on the list. Another hero that allows you to tryhard in this mode focused mainly on having fun. With the right spacing of 15 turrets, no one has a chance to approach you and you can easily push the middle lane.
Akali could not be missing from this list. The character is extremely mobile and can hide in smoke. It works, like Darius’s passive, with the abilities of other Akalis. This means that all 5 can be virtually invisible all the time, and when they reveal themselves, no enemy will remain on the map.