
The Broken Covenant series has appealed to LoL players. Already, many fan concepts have been created

Fans have started to create many skin concepts with the new Broken Covenant theme.

Broken Covenant is a new series that was announced just a few days ago. Skins with this theme will go to Nocturne, Cho’Gath, Xayah, Rakan, and Miss Fortune, among others. The latter will also get a prestige edition. Although the skins for the pair of lovers have caused some controversy, this new series was received quite well.

It can even be said that the style of clothing and appearance of the character’s skills really appealed to the artists who create fan concept skins. In such a short period of time, several interesting designs were created for various characters.

Ideas for new skins in the Broken Covenant series

Yes, as mentioned above, in just a few days many interesting concepts for new skins were created. The theme of the skins released by Riot really appealed to many artists. In their opinion, characters such as Sona, Seraphine, Lissandra, and Katarina would fit perfectly in this series. Of course, that’s not all. There are many more concepts.

Broken Covenant Nilah, Katarina, and Twisted Fate
Author: gwinshin

Broken Covenant Lissandra
Author: Jason 小傑

Broken Covenant Seraphine
Author: KenApplepi

Broken Covenant Ezreal and Taliyah
Author: _another_tina_

Broken Covenant Sona
Author: KenApplepi

Broken Covenant Twisted Fate
Author: Tesnuzzik

Broken Covenant Ahri
Author: ArtStuff304

As you can see, there are really a lot of ideas, and certainly, many more will be created. The League of Legends community has more than once shown that it is incredibly creative.