
Instant solo quadra in League of Legends. A clip that has become very popular

The video of the express quadra-kill in LoL has gained enormous popularity. What exactly happened in this match?

On the Internet there are often videos from League of Legends, which show various crazy actions – it is not uncommon for someone to completely defeat the entire opposing team by himself. Sometimes quadras or pentas are so fast that it’s hard to notice the first time what exactly happened.

Virtually always such clips are incredibly spectacular and simply enjoyable to watch. So it’s no wonder that they quickly gain immense popularity in the LoL community.

Such was the case this time as well. What exactly happened during the match?

Quadra performed by Sett

One of the Reddit users has published a short video, which shows the action performed by Sett. It was not uncommon to see separate articles about the hero’s ability to do massive damage. There were times when the champion one-shot the enemy, which looked quite funny.

This time, however, it’s not a matter of outplaying a single opponent, but practically the entire opposing team.

The footage shows 4 members of the red team attacking a tower in the down alley. After destroying it, they head towards the enemy base. Bot is defended only by Sett, who has to decide whether to ram into a group of enemies or give up another tower. In the end, he decides to jump into the enemies.


Moments later, almost the entire red team is dead, and Sett scores an immediate quadra.

The video became incredibly popular and in just a dozen hours garnered nearly 11,000 positive reactions and almost 400 comments. Even though Seth’s damage was largely due to him being fed (11 kills before getting the quadra), it’s still incredibly satisfying to watch a solo hero kill so many opponents. Some commenters admitted that they watched the video several times because they liked it so much.