The players won’t win against the Aliens? Donald Mustard described the 8th season of Fortnite causing a lot of excitement


A while ago we reported that Donald Mustard met with one of the streamers. During this meeting, some interesting information was released.

Today some confirmation appeared that Naruto will be the character that will appear in the new pass. On top of that, Kevin and Fundament will play an important role in the future of the game, and the next big collaboration will be with a woman, but not Lady Gaga.

Donald Mustard was also asked to briefly describe the upcoming season 8 of Fortnite. Let us remind you that in the past the creative director revealed the main motives of the seasons this way.

What did Mustard say?

The words were:

The Last Reality

Does it mean something to someone at the moment? Of course. This theme has appeared through the world of Fortnite at least several times. Officially, this is an alien race that began kidnapping players at the beginning of Season 2 of Chapter 2. Their invasion has already begun in Season 7.

This breed includes, inter alia:

  • Kymera,
  • Choppy,
  • Zyg,
  • Joey,
  • Trespasser Elite,
  • Bloom,
  • Zoot,
  • Parasites.

The players do not know what to think about it, because according to all scenarios, theories, etc. the players will finally win against the invasion. Few people adopted a different version. Meanwhile, Mustard describes the new season as “The Last Reality”. Could this mean that the Aliens will win?

So far, these are theories, unproven guesses of players, and speculations. Mustard knows perfectly well what is coming, but as you can see, he only tries to mix all the theories as much as possible.

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