What will happen to the Na`Vi squad in CSGO? The organization does not want to cooperate with people who will stay in Russia

Counter Strike

Natus Vincere could lose its team in CS: GO. It all depends on the players’ willingness to leave Russia.

Yevhen Zolotarev, the CEO of Natus Vincere, announced in an interview with the Washington Post that if the Russian players do not leave their homeland, the organization will not cooperate with them.

Therefore, if the Russian pro gamers decide not to move, their contract with Na`Vi will end.

Who may be affected by the personnel changes among Na`Vi players?

Staff changes at Natus Vincere are to affect not only players, but also employees. The official position of the organization is clear:

We are not going to work with people who live in Russia and who pay taxes to the Russian Federation. We have a lot of Russians who have played for NAVI for years, and they understand that everything that is happening on Russian TV is bulls—. I mean, they understand that because they spend a lot of time in Ukraine. They boot camp here. They know us. – Zolotarev told the Washington Post.

This means that if individual employees decide not to move from Russia, they will lose their jobs in the ranks of the formation. Na`Vi is a Ukrainian company, so it is not surprising that it strongly opposes the situation that is currently taking place in their homeland.

At the moment it is known that Perfecto will remain in the ranks of Natus Vincere. The player has been living in Kyiv for two years and is considered the most pro-Ukrainian among his Russian colleagues.

A bit more complicated is the issue of electronica, whose wife is known to be extremely pro-Russian. The player in the territory of the Russian Federation owns real estate and has a family. Boombl4, who has never expressed any words of support for Ukraine, is also in question.

I do believe all of our major rosters will remain the same. We will definitely disband a couple smaller disciplines, mostly mobile. We do have some issues with “Dota 2,” but it’s not about political positions, or the political thoughts of our players or their nationalities. It’s more about Valve [the game’s publisher] deciding not to do the second season for the CIS region because of the war.  – the president of Na`Vi explained to a Washington Post journalist.

If there are any changes to the Ukrainian-Russian squad, they will probably happen after the end of the ESL Pro League Season 15 or even the Major in Antwerp.

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