CSGO e-sport scene on its knees again. A player found more bugs that were used by the largest teams in the world

More suspensions and investigations await the CS: GO scene. It turns out that there were more bugs the trainers and players used.
We would like to remind you that a few months ago there was a lot of talk about a bug that was ruthlessly exploited by the coaches of the biggest teams. It allowed seeing the movements of opponents. Suspensions and bans followed.
Today it is known that there were many more of these bugs and they were even funnier than others. Apparently, the situation is exactly the same – everyone knew about them, they were used at the biggest events.
CS: GO e-sport scene with a big problem
Michał Słowiński, who played a very important role a few months ago, shows again which bugs were used by players. It’s hard to say whether it’s better to laugh at it or cry over it. These errors were really serious.
Of the things that are known today:
- The trainers were able to activate a free camera while traveling freely around the map.

- It was also possible to start the view from the third-person perspective and by directing the camera appropriately, look around.

- The last method of cheating was to attach a camera to the C4. Thanks to this, it was possible to see if someone was disarming it.

The most popular organizations used the above bugs. Of course, an investigation has already been launched. Even several dozen people may be involved in the case and such a number of suspensions or penalties should be expected.