
Was Valve really lazy? Over 90% of victorious CSGO skins that were published in the last 7 days

Players checked that a total of 12 out of 17 skins were added in the last 7 days after the contest was settled. Conclusions?

The Dreams & Nightmares contest has recently ended, where players could add their own skin suggestions. The winners were announced, the players expressed their opinion about the skins won, and even a case has already arrived in the files.

However, the community realized that a total of 12 out of 17 skins were added just before the end of the contest. You might think that Valve did not review all submissions (after all, there were around 15,000), and only looked at the last few days.

Could it be so?

The facts are:

  • 12 out of 17 skins were added in the last 7 days of the competition.
  • 6 skins were released on the same day, October 20th.

A Reddit user with the nickname “Shadyaf11”, who noticed this at all, asks if Valve accidentally choose skins from last week because they did not want to browse other submissions.

It actually looks quite strange. On the other hand, it’s worth remembering that most people waited until the very end to apply. It’s hard to say if Valve was really that lazy, or if there were just so many submissions over the past week.