
Valve’s response to the age-old CSGO cheater problem

Valve sometimes gives the impression that the studio is stuck somewhere between 2010 and 2015.

CS: GO players have been asking for years to create a better anti-cheat system, not to solve the cheater problem by removing Free2Play, but to introduce reasonable security.

Valve sees it differently, however. Every now and then there is information that there are some activities going on all the time to get rid of cheaters. However, it usually comes down to the fact that some cheat becomes detectable, and that’s about it.

What does Valve say about all this?

John McDonald, who works at Valve, replied to players that they were still working on a cheater problem – standard. But his second sentence was taken as a meme. John asks what active multiplayer game has no problems with cheaters.

And now it is not known whether to laugh or cry. The first example is, of course, Valorant. Its anti-cheat is invasive, but everyone quickly realized that it had to be this way for it to work. In Valorant, cheaters are extremely rare, especially because of Vanguard.

Not all developers have dealt with cheats with a better anti-cheat. For example, Riot sued the cheat makers instead of introducing better security. In 2016, Riot filed a lawsuit and won $ 10 million. The same was done with the cheaters in Valorant.

Epic also has a strong anti-cheat that sometimes lets cheaters pass, but when it bans them, they have to change virtually all components in the computer to come back. There are tons of examples of games that have dealt with cheaters.