Valve needs to get Counter Strike 2 out by this date. That is, access for all soon

Those who follow Steam have detected a new update, while there is nothing to get particularly excited about. For now, there is one date by which Valve must deliver.
Yesterday, systems detected a new update coming to Counter-Strike. It’s not likely to be CS2, but you can prepare for something there.
A much more interesting piece of information concerns the maximum deadline Valve has for releasing CS2 to all players.
By when will it be?
According to unofficial information, IEM Cologne in 2023 should already be taking place in Counter-Strike 2. And for this to make sense, there must be more people on the servers. Currently, finding someone to play CS2 literally borders on a miracle.
If the games are to be run on CS2, the developers must make it by July 27, 2023. This is the maximum deadline, while, of course, professional players should have a while to get comfortable. So it can be assumed that Counter Strike 2 should, in theory, appear somewhere in June, unless, of course, plans have changed.