
This is the most popular post ever made in the CSGO community. It’s been 2 years

There was a whole bunch of different, often funny plays, memes, etc. that went through the CS:GO community. And what were the most popular?

One of the most visited sites in the context of the CS:GO community is, of course, Reddit. It’s where the most information is given, although it’s often hard to get through the plays or esports there.

In any case, 2 years ago there was a post there that no one has managed to top so far. It is a reference to one of the maps, where someone definitely did not think through the placement of the “B” sign.

“B” older than hieroglyphs

One player two years ago pointed out to the community that the graffiti marking point “B” is probably older than the hieroglyphs. Of course, the issue here is a mishap in the creation of the map and the developer’s failure to think things through.

This entry scored more than 46 thousand points and remains the most popular one to this day. It is followed by an entry regarding women in CS:GO, then a summary of the final match of 2018.