The new skin for the AK-47 in CSGO is better than you might think. However, it is difficult to “use”

A new case has appeared in CS: GO, and with it skins from the “Dreams & Nightmares” competition.
The new case means, of course, a lot of excitement related to the skins that Valve chose. We remind you that these are skins created by players themselves, and there were so many proposals that whatever the developers chose, the community will still have an opinion.
The skin for the AK-47 aroused the most emotions. According to many people, there were simply better candidates, and it’s hard to disagree. The skin, however, can surprise, although it is difficult to notice during normal play.
This skin for AK may surprise you
The problem with this skin is that it is difficult to “use”. This means that during a completely average match we will not see the entire color palette. These are only visible with the right light.
Only how many times does it happen to be surrounded in such light? There are practically no such places anywhere and although it looks really good, as shown by “ohnepixel”, it is impossible to see the full potential of this skin.

Nothing will change in this regard, but you can see what Valve thought of when choosing the skin.