A new CSGO map based on the popular animated series. Beta testing is already in place

Counter Strike

One of the members of the CS: GO community decided to create a map based on Futurama, a popular animated series.

Animated series have been very popular forms of entertainment for many years. It may be a bit surprising then that one of the members of the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community decided to create a map that was based on it, but it already happens. The player by the name of “wylde” had been creating his map for several years on the basis of Futurama, a series created by Matt Groening. What does it look like as of now?

The map takes players to the world of Futurama

As you can see in the screenshots below – the map has been set literally in the Futurama universe. Interestingly, it also has a storyline:

It’s the year 3021, and the Planet Express building is under attack by space terrorists. The terrorists want to disrupt our next delivery of missiles to Omicron Persei 8, who seek a quick end to their unsuccessful negotiations with Neutral Planet.

The map looks really great and is currently in beta testing phase. Everyone can check it out and test it with their friends. You just need to subscribe to it in the Steam Workshop at this link.

It’s hard to say whether the developers will decide to add it to the game someday, but it is really polished. It is possible that even if it does not make it to Valve’s global servers, it will still become quite popular with players, especially Futurama fans.

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