The latest CSGO update caused FPS drops, although it was supposed to raise its overall number

Counter Strike

If you had the strange feeling that something was wrong with your FPS, then take it easy, you are not alone. This is a general problem with CS: GO.

The last update to CS: GO was released two days ago. It literally did not contain anything interesting except for changes to the latest maps. However, there was one entry strictly related to FPS.

It can be suspected that Valve has something to do with the number of frames per second, because in the point about Ember there was information about the increase in their number from 30 to 50%. However, this would only affect one map.

Something must have gone wrong

Meanwhile, players are complaining a lot about the big drops in FPS. There have been a few conversations on Twitter about it, and on Reddit, people agree that something is wrong.

Lags, FPS drops – it’s very possible that Valve will have to make an additional fix in a moment to get rid of this problem. One topic on Reddit or one Tweet is still nothing, but you can see that more and more people are noticing declines not by 10, but as much as 100 FPS.

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