The developers have removed the so-called “c*m bind” from CSGO. What was it anyway and why was it removed?

The CSGO community noticed that Valve’s developers removed the fun element of the game. It’s about “c*m bind”.
There are many trolls in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive who like to make the game difficult for other people. Valve’s developers are apparently trying to take away some of the tools from these players to piss off others, one of which was definitely “c*m bind”. On the other hand, it was also a fun element of the game for many.
What is “cum bind” and why was it removed?
“Cum bind” was simply a function that allowed you to constantly spam a radio message that sounded like a moan. Due to this specific sound, the community called it this way. You can hear it below:

On the one hand, it sounds quite fun, but on the other, it can be quite annoying during a match. Some players were literally abusing this bind to make it difficult for people who wanted to concentrate on the game. So it’s no surprise that Valve eventually decided to remove it.
Expect this bind to never work again in Counter-Strike. Either way, players will find another way to irritate their teammates during the match over time.