Players with which ranks spend the most time per week in CSGO? They are definitely not the best players

Leetify examined the activity of individual ranks in CS: GO. The results are not as obvious as most people might think.
Part of the community may believe that the time spent in the game largely determines the results in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
The reality is that players with the highest ranks don’t spend the most time in the game, and they don’t play multiple ranked matches in one month.
Which ranks spend the most time in CS: GO and play the most MMs?
As you can see in the chart below, the most matches during the month are played by Silver 6 players, although this result is more or less on the same level between S5 and G4. Interestingly, the least MMS is played by players with the highest ranks. For Global Elite, it’s only an average of 6.8 matches.
The statistics are slightly different due to the number of hours spent. People with Gold 4 spend the most time on CS: GO, although it is less than 5 hours more than Global Elite. The Silver 1 is definitely the worst.
The reason for these differences may be that higher-rank players spend more time training. In addition, they are more likely to play matches on external platforms such as Faceit or ESEA, which is why they have a low average MMs played.