ID verification in CSGO a fact. The platform is officially introducing verification

Counter Strike

It’s something that seemed abstract but has actually come into effect. For the moment, we are only talking about Faceit, a platform that supports CS:GO in a sense.

It seemed that no one would be tempted by such a solution, and yet. Until now, the maximum verification was to provide a phone number, while it is incredibly easy to circumvent this. Faceit knows this, as they themselves write about it in the reasons for introducing ID verification.

Other options were also explored, but none of them were good enough. Among them were such things as:

  • Paying for access.
  • Granting access based on time spent in the game, and account credibility.
  • Changing the algorithms.

Verification with an ID card in CS: GO

It should be made clear here that this verification does not apply to all of CS: GO, but only to the Faceit platform. For the moment it is voluntary, but in specific cases, it will be mandatory. It is known that this may involve situations where the system detects something suspicious.

The option to verify with ID is now available and works normally. You can verify yourself in Faceit settings. The creators of the platform hope that this will take care of the issue of fighting boosters, smurfs, and cheaters. This is an interesting direction – the question is whether people will not circumvent this like on Facebook, that is, by sending some slightly altered IDs from the Internet.

Will this be introduced into CS: GO? Not likely. Processing IDs on such a scale would be incredibly expensive. On the other hand, it could be solved like Faceit, i.e. limiting this verification only to suspicious accounts that, for example, have already provided phone numbers before.

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