A professional CSGO player explains why he is sitting so close to the monitor that it seems abstract

Counter Strike

CS: GO players often sit very close to the monitor. This phenomenon occurs even when it comes to professional players.

One of the essential elements of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is how you sit in front of the monitor. It determines not only the results during the game but also the state of health and well-being after a long session. People outside of electronic sports are often shocked by how close to their screens players are.

The pro player answers the question of why he and others sit this way and what effect this has on eyesight.

“That guy is in the monitor!” xQc shouted on his livestream

In the clip below you can see a fragment of xQc’s broadcast, during which he is watching the FaZe match against G2 as part of IEM Katowice 2022. The streamer was very surprised by the distance between the player’s face and his monitor.


The same player who shocked xQc explained the situation on Reddit. He answered a question from another community member which was:

Why do some pros sit so close to the monitor and how bad is this for your eyes?

Ropz noted that it depends primarily on preferences. It is thanks to this position that you are able to properly concentrate on the game. In his case, the eyesight was not affected, although he has a vision defect:

So it looks like you need to pay special attention to good lighting. It is not advisable to sit close to the monitor, but if one really prefers it, it cannot be helped. It only remains to remember to take care of your eyes, for example by regularly moisturizing them and choosing the right lighting.

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