The CDPR community manager responds to speculation about the Lynx School in the new Witcher

One graphic in the announcement about the work on the new The Witcher was enough for an avalanche of discussions. It was cut by the studio’s community manager.
In the announcement about the work on the new Witcher, CD Projekt Red used only one graphic, depicting a witcher medallion in the snow. This was enough for the fan community of the series to start discussing the plot of the upcoming installment. The community immediately noticed that the medallion is not in the shape of a wolf familiar to players, but rather a cat or a lynx.
The CDPR community manager confirmed speculation about the medallion
The Witcher School of Lynx is partly something new for fans of this production, but it was present in the code of the third installment of this game and in fan art. Marcin Momot, the manager of the CD Projekt Red community, in some way, confirmed this thesis in social media. He used a gif with a character who nods in the affirmative at the entry that reads “looks like a lynx.”
It seems that the developers are actually planning to introduce a completely new story to the series, which may be based on previously unknown characters. For now, it remains only to expect official information from CDPR or just such small information as this one from the studio representative.