Funny difference in the ratings of the series created by CDRP vs. by Netflix. The Witcher vs Cyberpunk 2077


The Witcher series are rated dismally, which is hardly a big surprise. Practically every day there is some kind of controversy surrounding the productions created by Netflix.

The Witcher series are slowly turning into a meme. Even CDPR is laughing at them, so this is some other level of abstraction. Meanwhile, gamers show the simplest proof that the production should be handled by CD Projekt RED.

Just juxtapose the reviews of two series – Edgerunners from the world of Cyberpunk 2077, which is being created by CDPR, and The Witcher: Bloodline created by Netflix. Yes, popularity comparison on a different scale, but the reviews are crushing.

Edgerunners and the Witcher

One player on Reddit joked that the conclusions are simple. Just hire people from CDPR for projects on The Witcher series. Here, using the Rotten Tomatoes website as an example, in the case of Edgerunners, critics were delighted.

On the one hand nightmarish reviews, and on the other really good ones. Is there a chance in general to save The Witcher? Yes, release The Witcher 4 as a game. Alternatively, really think about the people who manage the whole project from Netflix’s side.

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