This is what the room of a really avid Minecraft player looks like. It feels like you are still in the game


One of the players showed how he designed a room for his nephews.

Everyone knows these typically atmospheric rooms with a specific theme. But it’s rare for parents to go a little further than paint their walls a specific color and add some matching wallpaper.

“ZATSTACH” showed how he had prepared a room for his nephews. It is easy to imagine that the topic will be taken further. It is enough to put climatic boxes for items and beds there – such projects have already been in the community.

Minecraft players room

Yes – what you see in the picture below is not a game, but reality – you can easily get confused, right? There is standard cobble on the walls and wood on the ceiling.

As the creator says, he decided to use cobble because it is one of the most popular blocks that everyone will immediately recognize.

It took a lot of work, but the kids will surely love it. The project quickly became popular and it’s easy to see why. The author did a great job.

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