A detailed description of the first snapshot of Minecraft version 1.19 – 22in11. Everything that has been introduced


The first test version has been released to Minecraft, containing the news announced for The Wild Update.

Every year, the Minecraft community can take part in an event during which not only are clips with questions from the community presented, but also a vote for the next mob introduced to the game or the next major update is announced. This time, Minecraft fans could take a look at The Wild Update.

Some time has passed since the announcement of the next version of the game, and the news-hungry players finally got the first test version, where they can take a look at the upcoming content for Minecraft. What’s new in the 22w11a snapshot?

22w11a snapshot



  • Added froglights, with 3 variants: ochre, pearlescent and verdant.
  • Emit a light level of 15.
  • Dropped when frogs eat small magma cubes.
    • When eaten by temperate frogs, drop ochre froglight.
    • When eaten by cold frogs, drop verdant froglight.
    • When eaten by warm frogs, drop pearlescent froglight.
  • Non-solid blocks that can be placed on the surface of water.
  • Laid by frogs after mating.
  • Hatches tadpoles after some time.
  • Does not drop upon breaking, even with silk touch.
Mangrove Leaves
  • A new type of leaves.
Mangrove Log
  • A new type of log, as well as a stripped variant.
  • Can be used to craft mangrove woods and planks.
Mangrove Planks
  • A new type of planks.
  • Can be used to craft mangrove buttons, doors, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, slabs, stairs, and trapdoors.
Mangrove Propagule
  • A new type of sapling.
  • Can be grown by bonemealing the mangrove leaves, grows from the exposed bottom of it.
    • Have 4 stages to fully grown, can be accelerated by bonemealing.
  • Can break off a fully grown one, plant it to growing a mangrove tree (currently not added, will generate a oak tree instead).
  • Can be planted underwater.
  • Can be placed in flower pots.
Mangrove Roots
  • A see-through block just like leaves, but can be waterlogged.
    • Water currently doesn’t spread outwards like with other waterlogged blocks.
  • Mining faster when using axes.
  • Unlike leaves, it will not break when moved by a piston.
    • If the roots are waterlogged, the water will vanish.
  • Can be powered.
Mangrove Wood
  • A new type of wood, as well as a stripped variant.
  • Can be used to craft mangrove planks.
  • Can generate in the upcoming mangrove biome.
  • When walking on mud, entities sink down a bit.
    • Like soul sand, but without the slowdown.
  • Can be made by using a water bottle directly or through a dispenser on dirt, coarse dirt and rooted dirt.
  • Enderman holdable.
Mud Bricks
  • Can be crafted from 4 packed mud.
  • Can be used to crafted into mud brick slabs, stairs, and walls using a crafting table or stonecutter.
Muddy Mangrove Roots
  • Can be crafted from 1 mud and 1 mangrove roots.
  • Unlike regular roots, they are an opaque block that can’t be waterlogged.
  • Mining faster when using shovels.
Packed Mud
  • Can be crafted from 1 mud and 1 wheat.
  • Generates in the deep dark biome.
  • Has an animated texture.
  • Drops only experience when broken without silk touch.
  • Sculk blocks grow when a mob dies near a sculk catalyst.
Sculk Catalyst
  • Generates in the deep dark biome.
  • Emits soul particles after a mob dies within 8 blocks, and grows sculk related blocks.
    • Spreads sculk blocks to wherever a nearby mob dies. The amount it spreads depends on the amount of experience the mob is meant to drop.
      • Even if the mob doesn’t drop experience as it wasn’t killed by a player, the blocks would still spread based on the amount of experience it normally drops.
      • The experience will not be dropped in these cases.
    • The charge decays over time, faster the furthest away from the catalyst it moves.
      • If a charge decays more than 4 blocks away from the catalyst, it has a chance of creating either a sculk sensor (90%) or a sculk shrieker (10%).
      • If a charge decays more than 24 blocks away from the catalyst, it merely vanishes.
  • Drops only experience when broken without silk touch.
  • Emits a light level of 6.
Sculk Shrieker
  • Generates in the deep dark biome.
  • Has two soul-shaped patterns in the center.
  • Drops only experience when broken without silk touch.
Sculk Vein
  • Generates in the deep dark biome on the edge of sculk patches.
  • Generates in a layer on top of blocks and can be placed in all directions, like glow lichen.
  • Has an animated texture.
  • Some have parts that are transparent, allowing the player to see the block it is on top of.
  • Can be waterlogged.
  • Drops nothing when broken without silk touch.

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Bucket of Tadpole
  • Added bucket of tadpole, can obtained by catching a tadpole using a water bucket.
Mangrove Boat
  • A new type of boat, crafting with mangrove planks.
Spawn Egg
  • Added frog and tadpole spawn eggs.


  • Can croak, jump, swim, and slowly walk on land.
    • Are able to jump over 5 blocks.
    • Frogs are faster in water than on land.
    • Preferred to jump to lily pad and big dripleaf.
  • Have 10 health points.
  • Come in three variants: temperate, warm, and cold.
    • The temperate variant is orange, the warm variant is white, and the cold variant is green.
  • Eat small slimes, dropping slimeballs in the process.
  • Can be tempted and bred using slimeballs.
    • Lay eggs on water after mating.
  • Grow from tadpoles.
    • Variants depend on the temperature of the biome it turns from a tadpole to a frog in.
  • Jump around like fish when on land, and eventually die.
  • Grow up into frogs after 20 minutes in the world, which can be sped up using slimeballs.
    • Frog type dependent on which temperature a tadpole grows in.
  • Have 6 health points.
  • Are hunted down by axolotls.
  • Can be held in a water bucket.

At the moment, skulk, skulk catalyst, sculk shrieker and skulk growth have been introduced. The Deep Dark biome has also been released. Players will have to wait a while longer for the Warden.

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