Spamming in chat increases the damage. An interesting mechanic in Lost Ark that is worth knowing

It turns out that you can boost your damage in Lost Ark by spamming in chat.
Usually, the chat is an ordinary addition that allows you to communicate with the team or other players on the server. This works similarly to virtually all games.
Now it turns out that the creators of Lost Ark have taken it a step further and are actually encouraging their community to spam in chat. This is to increase the damage dealt.
Spam and increase damage
Lost Ark players can be divided into two categories. Discussers and those looking at the chat very rarely. Soon another group may appear that will write various strange messages every 30 seconds ending with “!!!!!” not because they are “cringe” but want to increase the damage they deal.
Although this mechanic may seem like a joke, it does exist and is responsible for an extremely rare Stone of Birth that can be dropped in Cube or Chaos Dungeon.
As we can read, the legendary effect of Sight Focus increases the damage dealt on all skills for 6 seconds by 8% and works every 30 seconds. At the last level, it is already 28%. All you need to do to activate this mechanic is to write a sentence with five exclamation marks in the normal chat.
Therefore, soon a lot of strange messages may appear in the chat, which are repeated and make no sense. The commentators have an interesting solution for this. They suggest creating a macro to explain that spam is not pointless.