Yuumi teleporting around the map, did the old bug has return in a slightly different form?

A strange bug with Yuumi’s teleportation.
Yuumi is one of the characters introducing an entirely new sitting on an ally mechanic to League of Legends. Therefore, as is often the case in Riot Games production, there were bugs with it.
Although developers try to patch them regularly, they often reappear after a few months or even years. This time it probably also happened, and the Magic Cat is able to traverse the map at dizzying speed.
Yuumi teleports through the map
In February 2021, the Bug Hunter – Vandiril recorded a video showing Yuumi jumping across the map like a catapult. It teleported to random places, often to the enemy’s towers or even to the center of the fountain. This was when another champion was jumped off of out during the last milliseconds of a recall or an ability that moved a champion long distances (such as a Twisted Fate or Tahm Kench ult).
A few weeks ago, the bug returned and players again saw a kitten deserting from the battlefield, heading towards the opponent’s Nexus.

Now another anomaly has been seen. Yuumi did not teleport to a random location, but traveled the entire map, eventually landing in a bush against the wall. This ended up giving the gold away to seize the opportunity to Kha’Zix.

It is really difficult to explain this bug. For some reason, the game felt that the champion had to return to its previous location in a straight line until it was on the ally. Perhaps it could have been flying forever if the path had not been effectively blocked by the wall.
The bug, although having a big impact on the game, is difficult to execute and happens very rarely. However, this does not change the opinion of players who think that it should be fixed once and for all.