
Yuumi from League of Legends is dominating at Worlds. Despite nerfs, the heroine has a 100% win ratio

Yuumi is wreaking havoc at this year’s World Championships. Did the nerfs do nothing?

There are few champions in League of Legends who enjoy extremely negative reviews and outright hatred from some players. Among the handful of champions that the community is asking to be removed is, of course, Yuumi. A character whose release stirred up a huge controversy, and her skill set still makes some people furious.

The character is doing very well at the currently ongoing World Championships. The way her stats look at Worlds makes quite a few people feel angry and ask Riot for a rework again.

Yuumi’s condition at Worlds 2022

Before the start of this year’s World Championships, Yuumi received several nerfs that were supposed to make her more balanced. However, it turned out that they didn’t do much.

Currently, the heroine has a 100% win ratio and appears in more than 90% of games – whether as a pick or as a ban. These numbers are overwhelming. Some fans say that this state of affairs shows that the character needs a rework, as her gameplay is toxic.

One player raised the topic of the character on Reddit. The author of the post could not marvel that the character was still so strong despite her weaknesses.

I still can’t believe with all the nerfs Yuumi is still dominating worlds. Social media is filled with statements from professionals who laugh, scoff and express hatred towards this character. 

No matter how much Riot nerfs her, she still ends up with a win rate around 100%. 

I feel that she needs a complete rework. Her intangibility is incredibly toxic and simply removes one of the greatest ways to defeat an enchanter. 

And let’s not even get started on the subject of bot accounts that play Yuumi for obvious reasons.

She is toxic to this game and should not exist in it. 

This has been said a million times by various people who are 100 times better than me. It has been said a million times by high level players as well as low level players. 

This is only an excerpt from this player’s statement. In the following part, he spoke quite bluntly about how much he hates Yuumi and is heartily fed up with her. Many people supported his opinion.

People who hate this heroine all the time believe that Riot will finally do something about her. However, there is no hope that the developers will remove the cat from the game. It wouldn’t pay off in any way, since she nevertheless generates profits from skins or cosmetic add-ons, which her devoted fans are eager to buy.