
Who is doing the best on URF in LoL right now? These heroes are the strongest at the moment

URF in LoL is now available. Who performs best on it?

League of Legends players can already play their favorite game mode. It’s mainly for fun and it’s a good idea to check out your favorite heroes yourself to see how they’re doing.

You can also use websites that collect statistics without entering a match. So who wins matches most often on URF?

The best on URF

Most LoL fans wait for Ultra Rapid Fire mode, which is available rather rarely, to take a break from the ranking queue and enjoy simple fun with friends. So they pick their main without even knowing that it might be weak. Is this a bad thing? Rather not, because it’s the fun that counts, but you can avoid being destroyed by so-called “OP” champions.

There are actually quite a few of them, as a WR of over 55% on URF is not surprising. Here’s a list of the top characters and their current WinRate:

Champion WinRate
Tristana 61.33
Singed 60.46
Kayle 60.41
Hecarim 60.16
Aurelion Sol 59.45
Blitzcrank 59.38
Shyvana 59.34
Fiora 59.15
Nami 59.14
Sona 59.12
Maokai 58.88
Annie 58.69
Heimerdinger 58.27
Taric 58.20
Viktor 57.83
Sivir 57.71
Wukong 57.69
Lulu 57.69
Trundle 57.52
Vi 57.04
Janna 57.02
Illaoi 56.66
Veigar 56.43
Renekton 56.36
Kai’Sa 56.25
Jax 56.07
Nocturne 56.04
Taliyah 55.92
Skarner 55.91
Soraka 55.90
Aatrox 55.90
Seraphine 55.85
Fizz 55.82
Darius 55.69
Lissandra 55.68
Garen 55.67
Ziggs 55.65
Nasus 55.63
Samira 55.59
Jarvan IV 55.47
Rell 55.43
Ahri 55.36
Ekko 55.12
Mordekaiser 55.06
Rakan 54.91
Corki 54.83
Ezreal 54.70
Zed 54.63
Cassiopeia 54.63
Lucian 54.61

Most heroes win more than 50% of their encounters, but there are 32 unfortunates who don’t quite make it against their opponents. Here they are:

Champion WinRate
Azir 49.96
Renata Glasc 49.92
Sett 49.77
Rumble 49.70
Alistar 49.66
Yorick 49.57
Bard 49.53
Gwen 49.40
Thresh 49.33
Karma 48.98
Brand 48.97
Lee Sin 48.77
Senna 48.41
Gangplank 48.34
Gragas 48.30
Quinn 48.03
Udyr 47.91
Ryze 47.77
Zeri 47.68
Aphelios 47.22
Master Yi 47.11
Yone 46.93
Viego 46.83
Sion 46.76
Nidalee 46.75
Anivia 45.89
Tahm Kench 45.63
Braum 45.43
Akali 45.03
Yasuo 44.72
Kalista 43.84
Gnar 43.26
Yuumi 41.55

The Magic Cat turns out to be the worst and her win rate oscillates between 41-42%. She used to be very strong, but as you can see after dozens of updates AFKing with her may not be so profitable.